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Python Package (qm-qua) Releases

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

1.2.1a1 - 2024-07-30

Tested against QOP 2.4.1


  • Added new math functions - atan, atan_2pi, atan2, atan2_2pi - supported from QOP 2.4.
  • When getting the devices using 'qmm.get_devices()', temperature information will also be returned (not available for OPX1000 yet).
  • Added an optional flag 'keep_dc_offsets_when_closing' to 'open_qm()' that prevents resetting the DC voltages back to zero when the QM is closed (not available for OPX1000 yet).


  • At the end of the calibration, dc-offsets are set to their initial values, and not to the last values calibrated (both inputs and outputs).


  • After calibration, dc offsets are set only if found LO and IF frequencies that match the current element state.

1.2.0 - 2024-07-02

Tested against QOP 3.1 Note, this version was Yanked, it was supposed to be pre-released as 1.2.0a1


  • QuantumMachinesManager API
    • qmm.get_controllers() - returns also the types of the FEMs they contain. For QOP2.x (OPX+) it returns single FEM.
    • QOP 3.x (OPX1000) users will get a new object based return when calling qmm.version(). For QOP 2.x (OPX+) users the returned object stays the same.
  • QuantumMachine API
    • When closing a QM with qm.close(), None will be returned instead of True.
  • Job API
    • is changed to job.get_job_id().
    • When a job has data loss, an error is raised instead of a warning.
  • General
    • Simulation of MW signals returns a complex signal of the I and Q quadratures, before the upconversion.
    • The MW-FEM ADC stream is returned as a complex float representing the I and Q quadratures.


  • Fixed a bug that opened a redundant communication with Octaves in the cluster when opening a QM, even if the Octaves were not in the config.
  • Removed the duplication of keys we have in simulation results, keys are now prefixed with "1-" or "2-" to indicate the fem index (also for OPX).
  • Fixed an error that occurred when setting the Octave to default connectivity and also adding the OPX input ports manually to the readout element.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in 1.1.7 that prevented multiple Octaves to be used in the same QM in some cases.
  • Fixed validation of the pulse configuration to catch typos in operation value.
  • Fixed a bug that set the Octave's input attenuators to 0 regardless of the config.
  • At the end of the calibration, dc-offsets are set to their initial values, and not to the last values calibrated.


  • QuantumMachinesManager API
    • Added qmm.list_open_qms() which replaced qmm.list_open_quantum_machines().
    • Added qmm.close_all_qms() which replaced qmm.close_all_quantum_machines().
    • Added qmm.get_jobs(filter_options) to get a list of jobs that match the filter options. This function is currently only available for QOP 3.x (OPX1000) users.
    • Added qmm.get_job(job_id) to get an instance of running job by its ID. This function is currently only available for QOP 3.x (OPX1000) users.
    • Added qmm.get_job_result_handles(job_id) to get the results of a job by its ID. This is a backwards compatible solution that will be also removed soon.
    • Added qmm.get_devices() which returns both the OPX controllers and also the Octaves connected to the system.
  • QuantumMachine API
    • Added qm.update_config(config) function that sets/update the physical properties of the qm. This function is currently only available for QOP 3.x (OPX1000) users.
    • Added qm.get_jobs(filter_options) to get the jobs on the current machine.
  • Job API - These function are currently only available for QOP 3.x (OPX1000) users.
    • Added job.get_compilation_config() that returns the config with which the running program was compiled.
    • Added job.__str__ and job.__repr__ methods for the QmJob class.
    • Added job.get_status() to get the status of a job.
    • Added job.set_io_values() to set the IO values to the running program.
    • Added job.set_io1_value() to set the IO value to the running program.
    • Added job.set_io2_value() to set the IO value to the running program.
    • Added job.get_io_values(io1_type, io2_type) to get the IO values from the running program.
    • Added job.get_io1_values(as_type) to get the IO value from the running program.
    • Added job.get_io2_values(as_type) to get the IO value from the running program.
    • Added job.wait_until(status) to get the job status.
    • Added job.is_running() to check if the program is still actively running.
    • Added job.is_finished() to check if the program is done (or canceled, or has an error).
    • Added job.set/get_element_correction(...) to set/get the correction matrix currently used by the element.
    • Added job.set/get_intermediate_frequency(...) to set/get the current intermediate frequency of the element
    • Added job.set/get_output_digital_delay(...) to set/get the current digital delay of the element's port.
    • Added job.set/get_output_digital_buffer(...) to set/get the current digital buffer of the element's port.
    • Added job.set/get_output_dc_offset_by_element(...) to set/get the current dc offset of the element's port.
    • Added job.update_oscillator_frequency(...) to update the MW-FEM upconverter and downconverter frequencies.
  • Job API
    • Added job.push_to_input_stream() which replaces job.insert_input_stream()
    • Added job.cancel() which cancels a job in the queue or halts a running job.
  • QUA
    • dual_demod.full() can now be called without referencing the element's outputs, and default values are set: dual_demod.full("cos", "sin", I) -> dual_demod.full("cos", "out1", "sin", "out2", I). This is compatible with performing demodulation with the MW-FEM.
    • A new QUA context manager port_condition is introduced that allows faster conditional play for the entire port, supported with the MW-FEM.
  • Config
    • Added an FEM type called MW, which has its own set of properties.
    • There is a new input to an element called MWInput, that references one output port in the MW-FEM.
    • There is a new output called MWOutput, that references one input port in the MW-FEM.
  • General
    • Added two new stream processing commands .real() and .image(), that can be applied to a MW-FEM ADC stream.


  • QuantumMachinesManager API
    • qmm.list_open_quantum_machines() has been replaced by qmm.list_open_qms()
    • qmm.close_all_quantum_machines() has been replaced by qmm.close_all_qms()
    • qmm.open_qm_from_file() is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
    • qmm.clear_all_job_results() is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
  • QuantumMachine API - These changes are currently only for QOP 3.x (OPX1000) users
    • save_config_to_file is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
    • The following methods will be moved to the job API:
      • qm.get_digital_buffer() -> job.get_output_digital_buffer()
      • qm.set_digital_buffer() -> job.set_output_digital_buffer()
      • qm.get_digital_delay() -> job.getoutput__digital_delay()
      • qm.set_digital_delay() -> job.setoutput__digital_delay()
      • qm.get_input_dc_offset_by_element() -> job.get_input_dc_offset_by_element()
      • qm.set_input_dc_offset_by_element() -> job.set_input_dc_offset_by_element()
      • qm.get_io1_value() -> job.get_io1_value()
      • qm.set_io1_value() -> job.set_io1_value()
      • qm.get_io2_value() -> job.get_io2_value()
      • qm.set_io2_value() -> job.set_io2_value()
      • qm.get_io_values() -> job.get_io_values()
      • qm.set_io_values() -> job.set_io_values()
      • qm.get_intermediate_frequency() -> job.get_intermediate_frequency()
      • qm.set_intermediate_frequency() -> job.set_intermediate_frequency()
      • qm.get_output_dc_offset_by_element() -> job.get_output_dc_offset_by_element()
      • qm.set_output_dc_offset_by_element() -> job.set_output_dc_offset_by_element()
    • The following methods will be deprecated, these values can be set/get from the config:
      • qm.set_mixer_correction()
      • qm.get_smearing()
      • qm.get_time_of_flight()
      • qm.list_controllers()
    • The following methods will be deprecated:
      • qm.get_running_job()
    • qm.queue is being deprecated, management of the queue is moving to the QM itself:
      • qm.queue.count() -> qm.get_queue_count()
      • qm.queue.pending_jobs() -> qm.get_pending_jobs()
      • qm.queue.add() -> qm.add_to_queue()
      • qm.queue.add_compiled() -> qm.add_compiled()
      • qm.queue.clear() -> qm.clear_queue()
      • qm.queue.get() -> qm.get_job_by_id()
      • qm.queue.get_by_user_id() -> qm.get_jobs_by_user_id()
      • qm.queue.remove_by_user_id() -> qm.clear_jobs_by_user_id()
    • qm.queue is being deprecated, this methods will be removed in the future:
      • qm.queue.add_to_start()
      • qm.queue.get_at()
      • qm.queue.remove_by_id()
      • qm.queue.remove_by_position()
  • Job API
    • job.insert_input_stream() is renamed to job.push_to_input_stream()
    • job.halt() is renamed to job.cancel().
  • Job API - These changes are currently only for QOP 3.x (OPX1000) users
    • The job.status property is deprecated, and will be removed in the future. Please use job.get_status(), which has a different return type.
    • job.position_in_queue() is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
    • job.wait_for_execution() is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use job.wait_until("Running") instead.
    • The property job.manager has been removed.

1.1.7 - 2024-02-19

Tested against QOP 1.2, 2.2


  • Changed the flag check_for_errors default, in all fetching functions, to True. This will produce a warning if any run-time errors are detected during the job execution.
  • Importing everything from qm.qua (from qm.qua import *) will no longer import external libraries such as NumPy and logging.


  • Fixed a bug that disabled external loggers when importing the qm-qua package.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the waveform reporting from generating.
  • Fixed the plot label units in the waveform report.
  • Optimized the program's execution latency, especially for larger programs.
  • Optimized the latency for setting and reading the Octave's LO frequency.
  • Speed up QMM initialization by removing an unneeded call to Octave clients.
  • Fixed the Octave calibration algorithm to shut down upconverters and downconverters during calibration, so that the calibration will not be affected by RF in.
  • Fixed cases in which compilation errors related to elements were given without a location.
  • Fixed a bug that prevents setting the downconverter's frequency when connected through a loopback.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented connecting one pair of OPX outputs to different Octave upconverters.


  • Added the option to receive Octaves with the cluster when opening a QuantumMachinesManager, instead of manually giving their addresses using OctaveConfig. This requires QOP 2.4.0 or above.
  • Added program.to_protobuf(config) and program.to_file('my_program.pb', config) to save a program to memory or to disk.
  • Added Program.from_protobuf(config) and Program.from_file('my_program.pb', config) to load a serialized program from memory or to disk.
  • Added support for OPX1000 – The config controller seciotn now accepts a controller of type "OPX1000", and the element’s input and output ports can now indicate which FEM is to be used.
  • Variable class is now exported to allow type checking.
  • Connections’ headers are now forwarded to the Octaves.
  • Connections’ headers are now indicating to which device the message belongs to.


  • Deprecated old Octave configuration API; these functions will be removed in a future version.
  • Deprecated; this function will be removed in the next minor version. Instead, you can use Program.qua_program.


  • Dropped support of Python 3.7.

Known Issues

  • At the end of the Octave calibration, dc-offsets stay at the last values calibrated.
  • Connecting an octave to two or more FEMs / OPX+es is unsupported and will give an undescriptive error.
  • An Octave connected to a 2 GSPS OPX1000 port will not calibrate and will give a compilation error. As a workaround, set the port to 1 GSPS, calibrate, and then set it back to 2 GSPS.

1.1.6 - 2023-11-19


  • Fixed the serialization if a list was used for port definition instead of a tuple
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the waveform reporting from generating plots (bad encoding)


  • When empty loopback is given, it is treated as no loopbacks interface.
  • Python 3.11 is now supported - 2023-10-30


  • Downgrading from this version will not break the Octave (Introduced in 1.1.5)
  • Saving timestamps directly to a string will now not mess up adc saving
  • Improved serialization handling of streams, fixes issues in some cases

1.1.5 - 2023-10-22

Note, this version was Yanked, downgrading from this version could lead to issues, this was fixed in


  • Fixed simulations with negative IF frequency (in mixer).
  • Deprecation warnings will now be shown for imports in IPython
  • Improved octave calibration algorithm.


  • Added new API for octave configuration, through the QUA config dict (except for the octave's IP and port)


  • All the functions that config octave through the OctaveConfig object
  • All the functions that config the octave through the QMOctave object

1.1.4 - 2023-09-07


  • Starting from version 1.2.0, QuantumMachinesMananger.version() will have a different return type.
  • ServerDetails.qop_version has been renamed to ServerDetails.server_version.


  • Added QuantumMachinesMananger.version_dict() which returns a dict with two keys qm-qua and QOP.
  • Two new keys were added to the dict returned by QuantumMachinesMananger.version(): qm-qua and QOP.


  • Fixed missing import of ClockMode.
  • Fixed simulations with negative IF frequency (in mixer).
  • Fixed simulations with the new sticky API.
  • Fixed conversion back to ns of the sticky duration for the config received from the OPX.
  • Fixed rare cases in which the octave failed to boot.
  • Fixed the serialization for a list in a .maps(FUNCTION.average(list)) call in the stream processing.
  • Serialization will now not give an error if it fails to generate a config with the QMM configuration.
  • Intermediate frequency returns with the same sign as it was set in te config.
  • Deprecation warnings are now shown by default.


  • If no port is given to QuantumMachinesManager, and there isn't a saved configuration file, it will default to 80 (instead of 80 & 9510)

1.1.3 - 2023-05-29


  • Fixed negative IF freq handling in config builder
  • Sticky Element duration is to be given in ns and not clock cycles
  • Fixed a bug that prevents opening many QMMs/QMs due to thread exhaustion when creating Octave clients.
  • The deprecated strict and flags arguments now work but give a deprecation warning.
  • Fixed the version of typing-extensions, to prevent import-error

1.1.2 - 2023-05-11


  • Moved qm.QuantumMachinesManager.QuantumMachinesManager path to qm.quantum_machines_manager.QuantumMachinesManager. Old path will be removed in 1.2.0


  • Added qmm.validate_qua_config() for config validation without opening a qm
  • Added support for getting clusters by name in QuantumMachinesManager
  • Added a py.typed file, that marks the package as supporting type-hints.
  • Added a default (minimal) duration for sticky elements
  • Added qm.get_job(job_id) to retreieve previously ran jobs


  • Fixed creating credentials for authentication in gRPC
  • Removed redundant entry from element generated class (up_converted)
  • Float frequency support - fixed the creation of config classes so integer frequency will always exist
  • Fixed creating a mixer dict-config from protobuf class instance
  • Fixed error raised when fetching saved data in the backwards compatible
  • Fixed creating a digital port dict-config from protobuf class instance
  • Fixed event-loop Windows bug of creating multiple instances of QuantumMachine

1.1.1 - 2023-03-20


  • Fixed long delay while waiting for values

1.1.0 - 2023-03-16

Note, this version (and all future versions) does not support QOP 2.0.0 or 2.0.1


  • The hold_offset entry in the config is deprecated and is replaced by a new sticky entry with an improved API
  • Moved _Program path to qm.program.program.Program. Old path will be removed in 1.2.0
  • Moved QmJob path to Old path will be removed in 1.2.0
  • Moved QmPendingJob path to Old path will be removed in 1.2.0
  • Moved QmQueue path to Old path will be removed in 1.2.0
  • Renamed JobResults into StreamingResultFetcher. Old name will be removed in 1.2.0
  • Moved StreamingResultFetcher path to qm.results.StreamingResultFetcher.
  • is deprecated, use instead, will be removed in 1.2.0
  • QmJob no longer has manager property
  • is deprecated, use instead, will be removed in 1.2.0
  • QuantumMachine no longer has manager property
  • QuantumMachine.peek is removed (was never implemented)
  • QuantumMachine.poke is removed (was never implemented)
  • IsInt() function for qua variables is deprecated, use is_int() instead, will be removed in 1.2.0
  • IsFixed() function for qua variables is deprecated, use is_fixed() instead, will be removed in 1.2.0
  • IsBool() function for qua variables is deprecated, use is_bool() instead, will be removed in 1.2.0
  • set_clock method of the octave changed API, old API will be removed in 1.2.0.
  • Deprecated the strict and flags kwargs arguments in the execute and simulate functions.


  • Added autocorrection for config dict in IDEs, when creating a config, add the following: config: DictQuaConfig = {...}.
  • Added the option to invert the digital markers in a quantum machine by indicating it in the config.
  • Support fast_frame_rotation, a frame rotation with a cosine and sine rotation matrix rather than an angle.
  • Added support for floating point numbers in the intermediate_frequency field of element .
  • Conditional play is extended to both the digital pulse if defined for operation.
  • Extended the sticky capability to include the digital pulse (optional)
  • Added option to validate QUA config with protobuf instead of marshmallow. It is usually faster when working with large configs, to use this feature, set validate_with_protobuf=True while opening a quantum machine.
  • Added type hinting for all qua functions and programs
  • Added another way of getting results from job results: job.result_handles["result_name"].`
  • Octave reset request command added to "Octave manager".
  • Added support for octave configuration inside the QUA-config dictionary, this will later deprecate the OctaveConfig object, which is still supported
  • Added objects that reflects the elements in the QuantumMachine instance.
  • Added the waveform report for better displaying simulation results.


  • Updated play docstrings to reflect that the changes to conditional digital pulse.
  • Changed octave's set_clock API.
  • Changed and improved internal grpc infrastructure
  • Changed and improved async infrastructure

1.0.2 - 2023-01-01


  • Removed deprecated math library (use {class}~qm.qua.lib.Math instead).
  • Removed deprecated qrun_ context manager (use {func}~qm.qua._dsl.strict_timing_ instead).


  • Better exception error printing.
  • An api to add more information to error printing activate_verbose_errors
  • Add support for OPD (Please check the OPD documentation for more details).
  • Added timestamps for {func} and {func}~qm.qua._dsl.measure statements.
  • Support for numpy float128.
  • Added the function {func}qm.user_config.create_new_user_config to create a configuration file with the QOP host IP & Port to allow opening {func}~qm.QuantumMachinesManager.QuantumMachinesManager without inputs.
  • Added infrastructure for anonymous log sending (by default, no logs are sent).


  • Serializer - Added support for averaging on different axes.
  • Serializer - Remove false message about lacking play(ramp()...) support.
  • Serializer - Fixed the serialization when .length() is used.
  • Serializer - Fixed cases in which the serializer did not deal with adc_trace=true properly.
  • Serializer - The serializer does not report failed serialization when the only difference is the streams' order.
  • Serializer - The serializer now correctly serialize the configuration when an element's name has a '.

1.0.1 - 2022-09-22


  • Octave - Added a flag to not close all the quantum machines in {func}~qm.octave.qm_octave.QmOctaveBase.calibrate_element.
  • Octave - The quantum machine doing the calibrations will be closed after the calibration is done.

1.0.0 - 2022-09-04

  • Removed deprecated entries from the configuration schema
  • Removed dependency in qua package


  • QuantumMachineManager - Fixed a bug where you could not connect using SSL on python version 3.10+
  • Serializer - Fixed declare_stream() with adc_true=True


  • Update betterproto version.
  • OctaveConfig: changed set_device_info name to add_device_info
  • OctaveConfig: changed add_opx_connections name to add_opx_octave_port_mapping
  • OctaveConfig: changed get_opx_octave_connections name to get_opx_octave_port_mapping


  • API to control Octave - an up-conversion and down-conversion module with built-in Local Oscillator (LO) sources.
  • Support Numpy as input - Support numpy scalars and arrays as valid input. Numpy object can now be used interchangeably with python scalars and lists. This applies to all statements imported with from qm.qua import *
  • Serializer - Added support for legacy save

0.3.8 - 2022-07-10


  • Serializer - Fixed a bug which caused binary expression to fail


  • QuantumMachineManager will try to connect to 80 before 9510 if the user did not specify a port.
  • QuantumMachineManager will give an error if no host is given and config file does not contain one.
  • QRun - Change qrun to strict_timing
  • Input Stream - Fixed API for input stream


  • Serializer - add strict_timing to serializer
  • Logger - Can now add an environment variable to disable the output to stdout

0.3.7 - 2022-05-31


  • Serializer - Fixed a bug which caused the serializer to fail when given completely arbitrary integration weights
  • Serializer - Fixed a bug which caused the serializer to fail when given a list of correction matrices
  • Serializer - Added support for "pass" inside blocks (if, for, etc). "pass" inside "else" is not supported.


  • play - Add support for continue chirp feature
  • High Resolution Time Tagging - Add support for high resolution time-tagging measure process
  • Input Stream - Add support for streaming data from the computer to the program
  • OPD - Added missing OPD timetagging function


  • set_dc_offset - 2nd input for function was renamed from input_reference to element_input
  • QuantumMachineManager will try to connect to ports 9510 and 80 if the user did not specify a port.
  • set_output_dc_offset_by_element - can now accept a tuple of ports and offsets
  • signalPolarity in the timetagging parameters (outputPulseParameters in configuration) now accept Above and Below instead of Rising and Falling, which better represent it's meaning.

0.3.6 - 2022-01-23


  • signalPolarity in the timetagging parameters (outputPulseParameters in configuration) now accept also Rising and Falling, which better represent it's meaning.
  • derivativePolarity in the timetagging parameters (outputPulseParameters in configuration) now accept also Above and Below, which better represent it's meaning.
  • Add unsafe switch to generate_qua_config function.
  • Add library functions and amp() in measure statement to generate_qua_config function.


  • Better error for library functions as save source

0.3.5 - 2021-12-27


  • Raises an error when using Python logical operators
  • Add elif statement to generate_qua_config function


  • Fix indentation problem on the end of for_each block in generate_qua_config function
  • The generate_qua_config now compresses lists to make the resulting file smaller and more readable

0.3.4 - 2021-12-05


  • Define multiple elements with shared oscillator.
  • Define an analog port with channel weights.
  • Add measure and play features to generate_qua_config function
  • format generate_qua_config function output
  • improve wait_for_all_values execution time

0.3.3 - 2021-10-24


  • Define an analog port with delay.
  • New set_dc_offset() statement that can change the DC offset of element input in real time.
  • New input stream capabilities facilitating data transfer from job to QUA.
  • New flag for stream processing fft operator to control output type.
  • Add information about demod on a tuple.
  • Added best practice guide.


  • Validate that element has one and only one of the available input type QMQUA-26

0.3.2 - 2021-10-03


  • QuantumMachinesManager health check shows errors and warnings.
  • Fetching job results indicates if there were execution errors.
  • Define an element with multiple input ports.
  • Stream processing demod now supports named argument integrate. If False is provided the demod will not sum the items, but only multiply by weights.


  • Documentation structure and content.

0.3.1 - 2021-09-13


  • Fixed serialization of IO values.
  • Support running QuantumMachinesManager inside ipython or jupyter notebook.


  • Removing deprecation notice from with_timestamps method on result streams.
  • Setting time_of_flight or smearing are required if element has outputs and must not appear if it does not.

0.3.0 - 2021-09-03


  • Support for result fetching of both versions of QM Server.
  • Now the SDK supports all version of QM server.

0.2.1 - 2021-09-01


  • Default port when creating new QuantumMachineManager is now 80 and user config file is ignored.

0.2.0 - 2021-08-31


  • The original QM SDK for QOP 2.

0.1.0 - 2021-08-31


  • The original QM SDK for QOP 1.