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OPX1000 Installation Guide

The following page describes the installation procedure of an OPX1000 system, and for systems with Octaves. It covers network configuration, OPX1000 connectivity, rack scheme and more.

Rack Mounting

Instructions for rack mounting the OPX1000 can be found here.


A cluster is a synced and fully-connected system of OPX1000 Chassis, Octaves, and other QM devices. A cluster can be comprised of a one or more OPX1000, and it may or may not include Octaves. All FEMs in one OPX1000 chassis are automatically included in the cluster.

The cluster can be managed and configured via a web admin panel. Through the admin panel, one can check the cluster's health status and topology, restart the cluster, configure clock settings, access logs, and more. As detailed below, multiple clusters can exist in the same network and be managed by the web admin panel.

Hardware Installation Procedure

  1. Verify you have all the required components.

  2. Mount the system in its designated place. Instructions for rack mounting the OPX1000 can be found here.

  3. Insert the FEMs into in the chassis:

    1. To prevent static discharge that can damage the FEM, please use the provided ESD gloves before touching or handling the FEMs.
    2. Slide FEM into an empty slot in the chassis.
    3. Ensure that the FEM is fully inserted and that the FEM panel is flush with the chassis panel. If it is not, check that the captive screws or ejectors are not obstructing the insertion.
    4. Secure the FEM in place using the captive screws.
    5. Repeat for all FEMs, also install the provided blank FEMs in any remaining empty slots.


      Turning on the system without all the FEM installed can cause the system to overheat, which will increase fan speed and can cause the system to shut down to protect itself from damage.

  4. Determine your network configuration.

  5. Connect the system:
    1. If there is more than one OPX1000:
      1. One OPX1000 is defined as the main OPX1000.
      2. Clock: Connect the others OPX1000's clock input to the main OPX1000's clock outputs via the supplied SMA cables. Any clock input can be used
      3. QSync: Connect the others OPX1000's QSync port to the main OPX1000's Qsync ports via the supplied QSync unshielded ethernet cable. Any QSync port can be used, but it's good practice to match the connections' numbering with the clock.
      4. Data: Connect the others OPX1000's Comm port to the main OPX1000's Comm ports via the supplied optical cables. Remove the connectors' protectors if present. Any Comm port can be used, but it's good practice to match the connections' numbering with the clock & QSync.
    2. Octaves:
      1. If there are any Octaves, connect their clock inputs to any OPX1000's clock outputs.
      2. If all OPX1000es' clock outputs have been used, and there are still unconnected Octaves, then connect the Octave's clock input to other Octave's clock outputs.
    3. Optional: Connect any of the main OPX1000 clock inputs to an external reference clock.
    4. Connect the OPX1000 and Octaves to QM router via the ethernet cables, starting from port 2 onwards. Alternatively, connect the devices directly to your local network.
    5. Connect the OPX1000 and Octaves to the power outlet. It is recommended to use both power cables for the OPX1000.
  6. Turn on all the devices.
  7. When using new devices, download the latest QOP version and upload it to the device via the admin panel.
  8. Configure the cluster, as shown below. This step will also install the latest version and can take ~30 minutes.
  9. Once clustered, the system will start calibrations, and the boot sequence should take a few minutes.
  10. Open a browser and type the system's IP in the address field to access the admin panel where you can configure the system, check its status and more. See the network overview section below for more details on how to access the cluster.
  11. Install the latest Python package by typing pip install --upgrade qm-qua in the desired Python environment.
  12. Open communication in Python using:
    from qm import QuantumMachinesManager
    qmm = QuantumMachinesManager(*args)  
    This requires passing the correct arguments to the QuantumMachinesManager object. See "accessing the cluster" options below. You should see the message qm - INFO - Health check passed in the console.

Extra Topics

Required components

List of Components

To ensure a smooth installation, please make sure you have the following components:

Component name Quantity Notes
OPX1000 controllers \(N_{opx1000}\) -
OPX1000 Power cables 2 * \(N_{opx1000}\) -
Router 1 Optional, Supplied by QM
Ethernet RJ45 cables \(N_{opx1000} + 1\) 3m, Cat 5e
QSync RJ45 cables \(N_{opx1000} - 1\) Only for a Multi-OPX1000 system, 1m, Cat 6
Router power supply 1 -
Clock SMA cables \(N_{opx1000} - 1\) Only for a Multi-OPX1000 system, Identical Cables
Optical cables \(2 * N_{opx1000}\) Only for a Multi-OPX1000 system

Connectivity Scheme

The multi OPX1000 system has five required connectivity groups. Clock, QSync, Inter-controller communication, Network, and Power


The clock signal is distributed by the main OPX1000 with an SMA cable per addtional OPX1000 chassis. An single OPX1000 chassis can distribute the clock for up to four additional OPX1000 chassis. If more than five chassis are used, a tree-like connectivity is needed: main OPX1000 chassis distributes the clock to chassis 2-5. Chassis 2 distribute the clock to chassis 6-9, etc...


The QSync signal is passed between the controllers via Cat6 RJ45 (Ethernet) cables. A single OPX1000 chassis can sync for up to four additional OPX1000 chassis. If more than five chassis are used, a tree-like connectivity is needed: main OPX1000 chassis syncs chassis 2-5. Chassis 2 syncs chassis 6-9, etc...

Inter-controller Optical Connectivity Scheme

Data transfer and communication between controllers are operated via optical cables in an all-to-all connectivity. Each OPX1000 has 4 optical ports and the preferred connectivity configuration differs with the number of controllers, as shown below.

Click on each configuration to see the connectivity scheme.


The following is only a recommendation. Every configuration that establishes all-to-all connectivity is valid.

Connect all four optical cables between the chassis

Connect every chassis with two optical cables to every other chassis

Connect every chassis with one optical cables to every other chassis. One port would remain unused.

Connect every chassis with one optical cables to every other chassis.

Connect every chassis 1-4 to every chassis 5-8 with one optical cable.

These confiugration will be shipped with special splitter cables which would come with connection instructions.

Configuring OPX1000 and Octave

Check Devices IP
  1. Connect the devices and a computer to the local network of the QM router (ports 2-10)
  2. In CMD run:
    ssh -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" admin@ ip arp print
  3. Identify the IP of the device using its MAC addresses. The MAC address is printed on a sticker on the device.
Configuring the Device's IP

It is possible to change the IP of the devices. If it is needed, please contact QM for assistance.

Cluster Devices

Follow the steps in this video

Configuring the QM router

See this page.