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OPX+ (QOP 2) Releases

Here you can find release notes and version files for the latest version of OPX+

The version files and installation steps can be found here.


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QOP 2.2

For an in-depth review of the version's new features and upgrades, please see the release notes.

QOP 2.2.2


  • Improved and optimized Octave automatic calibration.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a rare case where closing one quantum machine will interfere with the digital ports of another quantum machine.
  • Fixed issues with negative IF.
  • Fixed a scenario where conditional digital pulse would play even if the condition is false.
  • Fixed an issue with using wait_for_all_vlaues with timestamp stream.
Octave users

QUA is required for those who use QOP and have an Octave in the cluster.

QOP 2.2.0

See 2.2 release notes above.

QOP 2.0

For an in-depth review of the version's new features and upgrades, please see the release notes.